Orion's Electric Train Price Guide
This price guide has been produced for the convenience and benefit of anyone interested in pricing information on electric trains.

The files in this guide are automatically generated from our huge database. Thus the guide is based on actual sales data that we have recorded over the past decades from sales in our store, by mail order, and at train shows. Our system is designed to keep all sales information, including the actual sales price of what all items have sold for.

This site will be updated very frequently.

There are drawbacks to our price guide:

1) Data may seem incomplete. For instance there are few issue dates listed.

2) Some items in a series may be omitted. This is because we list only items that we have handled since we started recording our sales data. Lists will be updated periodically, and will naturally fill out as time goes on. On the positive side, all data is accurate. We do not fill in fictitious prices for items that we have not sold in the past.

3) Grading is not uniform. We list only those items by grade that we have actually had in stock and sold.

4) There will be other inconsistencies. This is not a human written or edited book. This is computer generated. In the future we will try to conform this information, but this will take some time.

We will continually try to improve this price guide. However please keep in mind that our business is actually selling electric trains. We offer this price guide as a service to you. Improvements will come as time allows.

We will appreciate any suggestions you may have, although some may not be workable in our system.

Please give us feedback and suggestions. Thank you very much for viewing our pages.

This computer generated price guide is dedicated to the memory of Orion 'Mighty' Dog!

Charles Siegel